International Scientific Conference 2014

The Financial and Real Economy: Toward Sustainable Growth

Instructions for writing papers

The papers should be written in English. Author/coauthor is allowed to submit maximal two papers, but only one paper as the first author. Papers should have no more than 15 pages prepared according to Template.

For writing papers use the Template. The papers that do not conform to the instructions of the Template will be returned for revision and fixes.

When submitting the papers you should specify the thematic area.

E-mail for submission of the papers:

Full paper submission deadline: 15 July 2014.

Official language

Official language of the Conference is English.

Latest news

Important dates

  • 15 April 2014 Abstract submission (up to 300 words)
  • 30 May 2014 Notification of abstract acceptance
  • 15 July 2014 Full paper submision deadline
  • 25 September 2014 Full paper acceptance notification
Papers should be send by e-mail:

Faculty of Economics, University of Niš

Trg kralja Aleksandra Ujedinitelja 11
18000 Niš
+381 18 528 601+381 18 45 23 859
+381 18 528 689+381 18 45 23 268